2.18.2. Annotations Statistics

ELAN offers a possibility to compute some statistics of the tiers. Click on View > Annotations Statistics and select a tier in the dialog window:

Annotations Statistics

Figure 2.121. Annotations Statistics

If you wish the Annotations tab to show the statistics of a dependent tier, uncheck Show only root tiers and select it. Uncheck the next option if you want ELAN to count all contiguous annotations with the same value as 1.

The observation period is the interval between the beginning of the first annotation of all tiers and the end of the last annotation of all tiers. If you want ELAN to use the total media duration, just check Use media duration as observation period.

The Annotations tab shows the following information:

The Annotations II tab shows:

In the Annotations II tab, contiguous annotations with the same value are not counted as 1. The observation period is the same as the media duration.

The Tiers tab shows:

Tiers statistics

Figure 2.122. Tiers statistics

The observation period on the Tier tab is the interval between the begin and the end of the media.

The statistics on the tabs Tier Type, Participant, Annotator, Language are similar to the statistics on the Tiers tab except that they apply to tier type, participant, annotator and content language respectively.

The information in the columns displayed on every tab can be sorted in different ways. By clicking the header of the preferred column, the information below gets sorted. This is done in an ascending order first, and subsequently toggling between ascending and descending order. Saving the statistics will also output the selected sort order.

Sort order statistics

Figure 2.123. Sort order statistics